
Mediumship Gallery with Rich Braconi
Feb 29 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


Medium & Medical Intuitive

Mediumship Gallery – Wednesday, February 29th from 7 – 9pm



In this gallery, Rich Braconi will connect with your friends and loved ones who have passed. They share details of their time here on earth and offer spiritual messages to enhance your life.  Rich often shares messages from the Angelic presences around you as well as Past Life experiences and Medical insight! Rich’s galleries offer a unique and enriching experience for everyone attending.  There is no guarantee that everyone will receive a “reading” but everyone will leave with an inspired understanding of themselves and the life we all share and live.

The fee for this gallery is $25.00

Registration Necessary

Seating Limited!

 Call Diana at 609-937-7682 for more info or

Balancing, Clearing, Charging the Seven Gates of Energy ~ Chakras 1 through 7
Mar 3 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Limited to 18 participants – 5.0 NCTMB contact hrs.

Registration offers several payment options:

Your seven gates of energy are expressed through the universal life force that interpenetrates, surrounds, supports and nourishes your endocrine system, which governs your hormones. When your hormones are happy, your body is happy! This chakra clearing workshop is a “hands-on” day and no previous experience is necessary. Bring pillow and blanket to class.

You will learn how to:

  • test the chakras for imbalances
  • clear imbalances on yourself and others
  • apply color, sound and anchoring for healing
  • work with the “Holy Grail” of chakras at the throat center
  • touch the “face of divine preciousness”
  • understand the psychodynamics of each chakra center
  • give & receive an easy energy chelation to clear/balance each chakra center

Join Elsie Kerns for this in-depth experiential “hands-on” workshop. Support your hormonal system by gently balancing the chakras head to toe. Comprehensive handout for follow-up included. Bring pillow/blanket to class.

Energy Intuitive, Elsie Kerns has been a Wellness Educator teaching healthy lifestyle options to restore, revitalize and renew one’s passion for life for over 20 years.  She is a Certified Energy Medicine for Women Instructor and Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Level Practitioner (2009-2011). Elsie is also a graduate of the 4-year Barbara Brennan School of Healing (’94), 3-year Society of Souls School (’97) and Reiki Master teaching all levels since 1992. She is cofounder of Wellness Workers Holistic Health Education offering Worksite Wellness, Classes & Seminars and Private Sessions.